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 Regenerating -Dermo Cosmetic line
Developed by Dr. OritBossi

A personal message from Dr. Orit Bossi developer of   advanced, innovative natural skin care products

"As an expert in the field of aging in general and skin aging in particular and as a scientist who has studied the field of skin aging for many years, as a consultant and lecturer in the fields of aging, I know how important it is to find natural solutions with advanced technology that will really be effective in treating wrinkles, pigmentation and skin texture. After many years of academic research at the best universities In a world made up of the Hebrew University, Bar Ilan University and Columbia University in New York, we developed a breakthrough natural formula AAPE1 , recognized as a discovery that was designed for exactly this purpose and that was scientifically proven to be effective in the treatment of wrinkles and slowing down the aging process of the skin, in the treatment of pigmentation using a natural method and in renewing the texture of the skin.

 I would be happy to hear from you about your experience using our products and also to answer questions and adapt our products to you especially for your skin."

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Before & After

Women who used the product line their skin  was photographed in camera with a significant magnification before and during the use. As seen in the pictures the depth of thr wrinkles was reduced significantly as well as the skin texture which leads to a young and smooth radiant skin. Magnification X80

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 About Dr. Orit Bossi 
Founder & CEO of ORCHID GREEN LTD and "Regenerating Line" based on AAPE1 revolutionary anti-aging formula.

Dr. Bossi has a PhD from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, specializing in Aging process ,skin aging and brain aging .Specialized in Neuroscience at Columbia University in New York as part of her postdoctoral studies. Dr. Bossi has developed AAPE1, a natural formula with a very powerful Antioxidant and Anti-Aging activity. The formula maintains its effectiveness of the over 24 hours. This formula is a revolutionary breakthrough in skin aging treatments and is recognized worldwide as a patent pending and meets the CFDA regulation

Dr. Orit Bossi

Advantage of the products and technology

  • Prevent and inhibit  wrinkle formation and fine lines formation.

  • Help improve skin pigmentation based on AAPE1.

  • Treat wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Protect against skin damage caused by sun/UV exposure and air-pollution.    

  • Rejuvenate and improve skin elasticity.

  • Provide long lasting protection – up to 24 hours.

  • Protect from free radicals and are a powerful antioxidant.

  • Make the skin a young and glowing .

  • GREEN, VEGAN, and  "Safe Cosmetics products". Do not contain parabens, petrol products, dyes, SLS or silicones or mineral oils.

the Product

Line of revolutionary and innovative Anti-aging products to treat and prevent wrinkle formation and provide a young and radiant look.

AAPE1 is a revolutionary patent pending formula. The products in the line are based on AAPE1- a very unique and powerful antioxidant and Anti-aging formula.


Skin aging (skin wrinkling, skin pigmentation and in some cases skin cancer) is accelerated, among other factors, by the generation of free radicals during exposure to UV/sun or air pollution.

ORCHID GREEN RENENERATING line commited to provide the best quelity products for customers by using the latest and most advanced technologies in the process of manufacturing.​

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A scientific formulation development , green, natural  and vegan  of  dermo- cosmetic  skin care products. The line is based on a scientific  and  innovative  formula developed by Dr. Orit Bossi  during 7 years of research at the University . The formula   slows down significantly the aging process of the skin, improve the skin texture , treat and protect against  pigmentation  as a result  of sunlight exposure.

Selling points of our products

Our products are available in selected clinics for aesthetic medicine, at " MASHBIR  branch in Netanya  also on MASHBIR  website and exclusively on our website.


From the Media


The complete guide to buying a recommended face cream in 2024

Intensive moisturizing cream from the Regenerating series

A cream from the Regenerating series intended for the treatment of wrinkles and fine lines and helps delay the aging process. In addition, the cream improves the texture of the skin and provides protection against solar radiation, air pollution and screen radiation, and provides maximum moisture for 24 hours.


• Based on clean cosmetics - free of toxins.

• The products of the entire series are environmentally friendly.

• Contains strong antioxidants essential for protecting the skin from oxidative damage.

• Gentle and pleasant texture to apply on the skin.


• Relatively high price.


Jerusalem Post

It looks as if a new skin cream by Dr. Orit Bossi could not only make people retain their youthful image, but also protect people’s skin against harmful UV rays. But what separates this cream out from similar products may reside in the fact that it can outlast its competition. The new antioxidant, according to Dr. Bossi, is stable in high temperatures, soluble in water and does not easily oxidize, allowing it to retain its efficacy over a long period. "Sunscreens merely protect the skin from much of the harm of UV rays, this antioxidant retards the aging of the skin. In addition, unlike cosmetic preparations, discovery deals with the deepest layers of the skin and not only the epidermis". Dr. Bossi said .

Israel Today

Israeli researcher finds solution to wrinkles. A pioneering way to prevent wrinkles.  Dr. Orit Bossi of Hebrew University has developed a plant-based antioxidant that does not oxidate quickly, is impervious to high temperatures and retards the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin.



I have used very luxurious anti-aging products over the years, but did not see any results or improvement in my skin's look or texture until I started using the Regenerating line. I was surprised by my skin's appearance. My wrinkles have been reduced, some even diminished, and I feel and look young again. I recommended these products to all my friends.


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